• You have some free production capacities in marketable processes
  • You already happened to operate as a contract manufacturer, and you would like to sell this service to a larger set of industrial customers
  • You must make your human organization and marketing methods more efficient on this interesting development direction

                                    We support you in order to :

  • Carry out in France or over Europe precise market studies, with clear indications of the key purchasing criteria per market segment
  • Audit and improve your methods and working tools in marketing, R&D and sales functions targetted to the BtoB food area
  • Advise and train your BtoB marketing, R&D and sales teams to the specific features of this kind of market
  • Let us know your questions. We will study them under the strict confidentiality rules we are used to apply with any customer.
  • We will refer to you through a detailled action plan and proposal, most likely after direct discussion or meeting with you personally.
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